
Rochester Urban Gardening

Hey all,

The local news rag did a piece on our little chunk of land this week. They interviewed myself, a student and our principal. It came with a video on their website if your interested.




Name that Pest!

Thought I'd throw a post out here and see if anyone can tell what's eating my tomato leaves? This is the appearance of nearly all the foilage that's close to the ground.

The mid-upper parts of the plants look great and healthy, and the plants are flowering well with lots of baby tomatoes growing. I've probably spent only about 3 minutes looking around my garden for pests recently and have seen: slugs, japanese beetles, lady bugs (not a pest I know!). I found one slug ON a tomato plant, but the japanese beetles I saw were on other plants (beans, sugar snap peas).I have a great bug book that shows photos of the damage they do and this doesn't look like the slug damage in my book. Hmmm.... Thoughts?


Food Ark in National Geographic

GREAT feature story just out in National Geographic on our planet's dwindling food variety. For those of us interested in growing and preserving heirlooms there's excellent stuff in here. Here's one link to that lists several resources for heirloom seeds, many of which I hadn't heard of. Thought I'd pass it on!

Also here's a great graphic from their article showing just how far our food varieties have dwindled:


Minneapolis Food Swap!

This event is a great idea if you have extra produce or plants to get rid of! Last month I brought my spinach and a few tomato and herb plants and came home with two loaves of bread, some preserves (Rhubarb Vanilla Hibiscus Sauce!), hummus, and several kind of baked good goodies!

Want to learn more? Here's a link to the June Swap Recap. And hey - those are my plants and spinach in the photos! Maybe I'll see you at the next swap?

Pallet Trellis?

Saw this idea on how to make a trellis from a pallet and thought I'd share! Love new trellis making ideas. :-)


Green Noise

Remember Neil, the bug guy?  Here is his website, green noise.

Also, I read there that you can buy worms for composting at Eggplant Garden Supply!  My worms live in the closet, and have tripled in number since I got them in March!  We are giving them away as gifts to friends now...


A Front Yard Farm Update!

So much to do and so little time!! Today's goals: plant my peppers, some remaining herbs, stake my tomatoes, put up the trellis for my edamame, and do something with that boulevard I have covered with a small dirt pile still awaiting some insectary plants! Today's accomplishments? Well in between caring for 21 month old twins and an energetic 6 year old who decided today he hates weeding, I planted a few of my plants awaiting a home, weeded tons, and got that trellis netting up. And according to the 6 yo the most important task: picking the first (and only) ripe strawberry from our strawberry bed.
Here's how things are looking now:

The center will some day be full of asparagus! For now, just some odds 'n ends and soon to be lots of lettuce. The empty spot on the outer ring is where I just harvested my spinach. Will put some peppers there shortly! Around the rest of it are sugar snap peas, melons, beans, onions, tomatoes, tomatillos, ground cherries, several herbs. The small little bed in the back right corner has edamame and soon to be delicata squash (my favorite!).

Potatoes are happily growing in their burlap bags. (Thanks Dunn Bros!)

The strawberry bed in back is successfully protected from squirrels with some netting draped over pvc pipe.

And hopefully tomorrow I can give these guys their new home!


My Grant Garden June 4th

Update on my garden plot.

I put my cool weather crops in 5/5 - 5/15. Spinach, brussels sprouts, cabbage, lettuce, peas, carrots, swiss chard, and broccoli. It looks like most are doing well.

I am working on finishing the planting of my warmer weather crops. Lots of tomatoes, beans, squash, potatoes (in towers – cool idea), egg plant, onions, peppers, and more tomatoes. With the cool rainy weather, I didn’t start putting most of these in until 5/24 and I am close to being done planting for now.

Happy Gardening!! What a great weekend this has been so far – about time!!



Wanted to share a photo of the plot I just put in Sunday/Monday! Now I guess it's time to actually grow stuff in it!! :-)


Interesting CSA Model!

A friend of mine is moving soon and has been researching CSAs in her new location. She came across this unique CSA model. I think it's a great idea!

In a nutshell, folks buy a CSA share like usual, but instead of receiving a pre-packed preconceived box of goodies, they get "bucks" equivalent to what they paid for their share (actually they throw in a little extra) and use it like money, just picking out what they like in person at the farm. It's up to them to come by and use up their dollars. And seems like it would take some pressure off of the farmer. Seems to me like an awesome model especially for an Urban Farm where many people would live close enough to easily take advantage of it!

Has anyone else come across any other unique ideas for selling your produce?


seed swap

anyone interested in trading some seeds or seedlings? I have a lot of different stuff, especially flowers and gigantic kohlrabi, but would like some herbs + things.

just reply to this post if you're interested ~ maybe we could set something up for the next class on April 30th?

point of interest, sorrel seeds are the coolest I've seen in a while ~ little black prisms of [hopefully perennial] lettuce.



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Happy Farming!


Next Saturday

Fellow Urban Farmers,

Next Saturday after the Design Class please join Kate and me at the 6th Annual Neighborhood Sustainability Conference at Central Lutheran Church in downtown Mpls right next to the Convention Center. Here's the schedule...something for everyone...hope to see you there...stop by the Cool Planet table and say hi.

it's FREE!!!


Twin Cities Sustainable Communities Conference, April 8 & 9 2011
                   Linking Citizens and Cities for Sustainable Communities      www.afors.org
Central Lutheran Church, 333 12th Street South, Minneapolis 55404 (next to the Minneapolis Convention Center)
Local Government Workshop - Friday April 8 Noon to 5pm for 400 local government leaders,
Neighborhood ConferenceSaturday April 9 8:30am to 4:30pm for 600 neighborhood volunteers
6th Annual Sustainable Communities Conference
Sat. April 9, 2011 8:30am to 4:30pm, Central Lutheran Church, 333 12th St. S Mpls, 55404 (next to Mpls Convention Center) FREE event Lunch (Chow Girls) $5, Parking $9 , Kids Activities  Please pre-register. Thanks
Contact: Sean Gosiewski, Program Director, Alliance for Sustainability 612-331-1099 sean@afors.org   www.afors.org
600 volunteers from neighborhoods, congregations, schools, transition towns, businesses and city environmental commissions will share practical resources for their hands-on spring and summer projects, meet with neighbors to plan next steps and give constructive feedback to staff & elected leaders on City & County policies.
Registration and Refreshments  & Community Sing - Minnesota Community Sings -


Transition as a Pattern Language – connecting neighbors to create a resilient community. The Five steps to to create a transition initiative in your community. Using our heads, hearts and hands to create a more joyful, less energy intensive communities. – Rob Hopkins, Author of the Transition Handbook and member of Transition Totnes, U.K.  and Krista Leraas, Backyard Harvest  - Meeting our Fundamental Human Needs the work of Manfred Max Neef.
10 to 11:30
Neighborhood Outreach for Home Energy Workshops
Organizing for biking, walkng & transit in your community – Bike MN, TLC
Neighborhoods of Rain Gardens – Powderhorn & Phalen
How to have fun and effective meetings
Eco-psychology – the Inner Work of Transition Towns
Starting a Community Garden or Local Food Hub – Gardening Matters

Transition Towns 101
Block club outreach for recycling, apts. & composting
Using song, dance, puppets & murals
Awareness Raising Tools  - Awakening the Dreamer
11:30 to 12:30
Organizing and Outreach Skill Building Sessions – learn ways to grow your green team
o      Neighborhood Environment Committees
o      Transition Towns Networking
o      Congregational Green Teams – MN IPL, LRC,
o      School Environmental Clubs – YEA! MN
o      Back Yard Inventors and Engineers – DYI meet up
o      City Environmental Commissions/ MN Green Step Cities
o      Local Food Resource Hubs  and Urban Farmers
o       Advocacy for climate Justice – 1 Sky, Citizens Climate Lobby
o       Greening Your Business Net Impact, Alliance for Sustainability
o      Community Artists – music, dance, murals, puppetry, etc.
12:30 to 1:30
Geographic Break Out Sessions - meet for lunch with others from your community to share your project ideas. Link the green efforts of neighborhoods, congregations and schools in your community. Plan ways to engage more people.
1:30 to 3:00
Choose 2!
1st Round 1:30 p.m.
2nd Round 2:15 p.m
1:30pm - Working together to meet OUR city/county sustainability goals
Our cites and counties have ambitious goals to curb global warming pollution, increase recycling rates, end homelessness, grow local food, etc.  In each session you will learn about key sustainability goals of local government and practical ways neighbors can work together to meet these ambitious goals. City and county staff want to hear your ideas! After a brief overview, participants will meet in small groups to brainstorm solutions that city and county staff and volunteers with the Minneapolis Citizen Environmental Advisory Commission will use as they plan next steps.  Choose 2 topics to learn about. Session are repeated at 1:30 and 2:15pm
o      Energy Conservation/ Renewable Energy/ Air Quality, C02 Reduction, Energy Resilience
o      Recycling/ Organics Waste Collection/ Zero waste
o      Biking and Walking/ Bike and Pedestrian Plans, Transit Access, Transit Oriented Development
o      Local Food and Community Gardening Policies
o      Water Quality and Urban Forestry - Lake Quality, Tree Canopy
o      Growing a Green Economy – supporting small business growth
o      Housing – foreclosure prevention, home weatherization
o      Educational equity and engaging youth in communities
o      Public Health and Environmental Justice
o      Community Building/ Block Clubs/ Neighborhoods/ Safety
Networking and Resource Tables
o      Community Sing - Minnesota Community Sings - Bret Hesla and Mary Preus – in the Fellowship Hall
o      Green Career Networking – Green Career Tracks, Net Impact
o      Overstuffed:  How to enjoy more, spend less, and be kinder to the planet.  – Nicole Lynsky
8:00pm CD Release
After the conference get a discount for Larry Long’s Don't Stand Still CD release concert - Saturday April 9,  8:00pm at the Loring Theater 1407 Nicollet Ave S Mpls, MN 55403 www.loringtheater.com.  www.communitycelebration.org  www.larrylong.org